Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging

MAKEUP • “Makeup is an occupation that allows us to enhance our individuality. It also gives us a sense of confidence in ourselves to be accepted and liked within our social network”.

My chosen occupation is “Makeup”. I chose this because of an experience I shared with a group of users in Fieldwork 2. The setting was at IDEA Services  . A day centre for mixed adults. I was invited to participate in the ladies makeup and beauty weekly session. I had mentioned earlier that one of my past professions was Beauty Therapy and the ladies were very excited to have a “professional” help out. We all sat down at a large table and set out an array of face make up and nail polishes to use. The ladies talked enthusiastically about how they wanted their makeup and enjoyed trying to select new colours for their fingernails. The two other staff members and myself happily complied with the ladies instructions throughout and made suggestions on what to apply next and suggested different colours that would go nicely with what they were wearing that day. I could sense of lot of excitement as they looked in the mirror and said how lovely they were looking and how their family and friends were going to really “like them when they saw them”. You could feel their pride building.

The following provides sourced reference to define the terms de, being, become and belong and reasons why I chose the images to represent each of these concepts.
Doing: Concept of goal orientated activities providing a sense of purpose and fulfilment, through structure (Hammell, 2008, p. 301).
Be, Become: “To become what has the potential to become, what it is best fitted to become, means that it has to be true itself, it essence, to its own nature and the beliefs that it rests upon” (Wilcock, 1998, p. 340). Belong: “The necessary contribution of social interaction, mutual support and friendship, and sense of being included” Rebeiro, Day, Semeniuk, O’Brien and Wilson (as cited in Hammell, 2008, p. 302).

Slide Show Images: Doing: Images 3 to 6 demonstrates the task of “doing”. It shows people putting on makeup independently, with assistance and also in a group.
 Being: Images 7 to 10 shows different women, I feel being is just who you are at that moment in time – you are “being” in the context of who you are as an individual. Race, culture, age has no influence on women when we are at that moment in time.
Become: Images 11 to 15 have been chosen because makeup is one way in which we can express our individuality. It is a way in which women can feel confident and beautiful. “Becoming” of who we feel we are and how we want to express ourselves is a way of feeling confident in our identity and how other perceive us.
Belong: Images 16 to 20 are images of confident happy women presenting themselves as part of a group in which they feel happy and secure with each other. As humans and women this is important to our well being, to know that we belong.

Three examples of ethical considerations made while choosing the images: 1: I obtained consent from the person whom I took photographs of to be included in the power point. I made it clear to her what she was required to do in the photograph and explained what they would be used for and who would have access to seeing them. 2: The web pages that I obtained images from were all from google.com. This site is one of the most commonly accessed sites for resources so I would suggest that it is authenticated. 3: The images I chose for my slide show, I consider, non offensive and none of the subjects look as though they have participated against their better judgement. There have been no names provided.


Hammell, K. W. (2008). Dimensions of meaning in the occupations of daily life. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(5), 301-302. Wilcock, A. A. (1998). Occupation for health. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61(8), 340.

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